How To Install Webmin On Ubuntu How To Install Webmin On Ubuntu

How To Install Webmin On Ubuntu

How To Install Webmin On Ubuntu

Webmin is popular web-based system administration tool. You can use Webmin to manage and handle web apps or websites. If you are tired of the cPanel pricing structure then you can use Webmin as an alternative. Webmin is the best alternatives for cPanel on Ubuntu and it’s derivatives.
In this tutorial, we will show you method to install Webmin On Ubuntu and it’s derivatives.

How To Install Webmin On Ubuntu

Run following commands one by one before installing Webmin on Ubuntu. Following commands will install required dependencies and  setup repository and install  GPG keys on your Ubuntu.

sudo apt install vim apt-transport-https curl wget software-properties-common
wget cat jcameron-key.asc | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/jcameron-key.gpg >/dev/null
sudo add-apt-repository "deb sarge contrib"

Now, Run the following command to install Webmin on Ubuntu.

sudo apt install webmin

For Other Linux:

At first configure script to add repositories on your RHEL or Debian derivative systems with the following commands

curl -o

Now, Run the following command in your respective distros to install Webmin

For RHEL and derivatives

dnf install webmin

For Debian and derivatives

apt-get install webmin --install-recommends

After successful Webmin installation, You can easily access  Webmin  by entering https://<Your-Server-IP>:10000 in your favourite browser. If you are unable to login using port 1000, check  your firewall configuration to allows access through port 10000.


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